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[Release] dys_infect_fixed - 1.3 fix (UPDATED)

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:00 am
by Savior
dys_infect is work of thedude


So I decompiled dys_infect and updated it to make it playable in 1.3.
I'm not sure how I would contact thedude to ask permission for this, as I don't think he is still really available in the community. If he does not wish for this to exist, I will delete all mirrors without hesitation.

Since this is a decompilied map some lighting doesn't look exactly as it did in the original and a few other things may be slightly different. I focused mainly on functionality, and the map should work as it used to in 1.2 and before.

Just to be clear:
This map is not mine!
This map is not official!
thedude made this map!

-Fixed the lasers to work under 1.3 (lasers endpoints cannot be in walls anymore)
-Removed named lights (named lights severely decrease the performance of 1.3)
-Added an indicator model to show when blue lasers are on/off to make up for the removal of the toggling lights
-Removed some moving objects from skybox (for performance, moving objects in the skybox perform poorly in 1.3)
-Added mappaths for new players
-Some miscellaneous visleaf optimization

Original release threads: ... 137&t=9359 ... 137&t=6160


Blue laser indicator (blue lasers on):

Blue laser indicator (blue lasers off):


Mirror 1
Mirror 2

Edit 1/9/2012: fixed a mirror

Re: [Release] dys_infect_fixed - 1.3 fix

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:33 am
by BigToeCommando
Yayifications! Infect PUGs!

Re: [Release] dys_infect_fixed - 1.3 fix

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 11:16 am
by Arès
Great works.

Re: [Release] dys_infect_fixed - 1.3 fix

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 12:31 pm
by Neon Girl
Oh sweet deal! I loved this map :P It's on the FastDL Server. Here's a mirror link: ... ed.bsp.bz2

[EDIT]Re-downloaded/uploaded as per this post.[/EDIT]

Re: [Release] dys_infect_fixed - 1.3 fix

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 1:09 pm
by Aurion
"Page Up" if you want to change map to infect!

Re: [Release] dys_infect_fixed - 1.3 fix (UPDATED)

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:25 pm
by Savior
I updated it to fix the overview and helpers which were pakrat'd wrong.

I apologize for the inconvenience and everyone who has downloaded should re-download.

Re: [Release] dys_infect_fixed - 1.3 fix (UPDATED)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:14 am
by Dr. Boose
Thank you Savior!!! I missed this one. And, Thank You again for the info.