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PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 3:38 pm
by Xehanoth
I've played judgement from the get-go and love him to death. However, I notice that he falls off horribly when fighting certain classes, and if he doesn't use a katana or scimitar then every other class can fast-combo staggerlock him to death, and there's nothing he can do about it except eat the combo. His attacks are slow but powerful, and that's fine, but his fast attacks have one of the absolute worst movesets in the game. Very rarely do I ever hit anyone with the stab, which seems to have no range whatsoever. The side swipes are pretty hard to hit with as well, and also have little range. Phalanx is his worst matchup, as he outranges and is faster than judgement while still dealing brutal amounts of damage. Phalanx's heavy attacks are extremely long range, and in most cases it is impossible to strafe, counter, or roll around them. Ryoku and Pure are relatively fine aside from the shared "fast combo stunlock" part.
To counter stunlocking, you need to block. Only the katana and scimitar are able to block in this game. Other defensive mechanisms, such as parrying, usually aren't viable at all. Blocking on the other hand is a top-tier defensive ability that is useful against anyone. It is unfair that weapon choice dictates whether you can defend yourself or not.
Phalanx is slightly overpowered imo, and a range nerf on his power attacks is greatly needed. I've heard people complain of Ryoku's near-useless power and balanced attacks as well, so maybe they need to be looked at too.
Either let people choose what defensive ability they want to use regardless of weapon, or make blocking a universal mechanic among weapons.
Buff Judgement's Fast attack range, or give him an entirely new fast moveset.
Nerf Phalanx's Heavy attack range, and maybe tone down the range on his fast attacks too.
Ryoku is best with fast moves, which is fine. However, his heavy and balanced moves are very easy to counter.
Re: Balancing
PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 7:48 pm
by Mottom
Can we nerf everything I lose to? Phal, Judge and Ryoku are pretty much balanced. Pure spends more time doing cart wheels than swinging a sword. Kinda weak. Ryoku's heavy attacks are useful so Idk what you're talking about there.
You just have to play different when using Judge. Can't go balls deep offensive or you're going to get stun locked. Just use a katana if you want to block, problem solved. If you're playing the same way without block that you do WITH block, then the problem is yourself not the game.
Re: Balancing
PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:08 pm
by Xehanoth
Yes, because even though I lose to plenty Pures, Ryokus, and Judgements, that means I want them all to be nerfed. Nevermind the part where I said I wanted them to be stronger; i'm just a baddie!
If you can't discuss balance without resorting to "ur bad get good", then don't post in threads about balance.
If you don't use a katana as judge vs fastspam phal, you will almost always lose unless your opponent is garbage. The speed difference, range difference, and straight attacks vs hori / verti is just too much to conventionally handle. You also won't be able to escape from their combo without a block. If you honestly think that phal is completely balanced and not even a bit stronger than other classes, despite the fact that every class other than phal has at least one lacking moveset, then you might have been dropped on your head one too many times.
Re: Balancing
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 3:20 pm
by Mottom
I guess resorting to childish insults is better than "ur a baddie get gud." Feel free replying to this in any way you see fit because I won't be checking back. God forbid the infection spreads.
P.S. get gud Judge player
Re: Balancing
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:23 pm
by Fulminate
I have only played about 80 hours since I have purchased Blade Symphony, but I have a feeling you are fighting a lot of Ryoku and Phalanx players who are only spamming their fast combos (aside from Phal's heavies.) Which as Judge, should be REALLY easy to counter with your side heavies / air-canceled heavies (maybe).
I have to disagree completely about Ryoku's Heavy and Balanced moves, they are what allow him to hurricane like he does. Every single one of his heavies are fast as hell, and coupled with air-canceling, allow him to jump around and reset his Fast strings all day. The same can go with his balance attacks, he is able to close good distance or completely get behind you with his left bal, and continue to hurricane you in the back, or reset the string with a quick forward bal. His T2's and 3's of both stances are quite strong as well. But them new air sides..
As for Phalanx, I have noticed the best way to combat him is using a Jian. With the amount of range he has with his Fast string, you can intercept and he'll dive into it, letting you unload on his ass. As for his heavies, air attack all day. It is possible to shuffle out of his combo, but you'll have to get a hang of how his string works to know when to shuffle.
As for Judgement's fast strings, I am also not too fond of them, but I have seen people absolutely WRECK with a Foil and his fast strings. Judgement is all about timing, and his heavies and Bals are really good if you can get the hang of when to switch, like all other classes.
I have seen people wreck face on every class that is in here. All it takes is time and practice and you'll figure out what you need to do to win, regardless of what you're playing against.
Re: Balancing
PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:18 am
by riham
No, but what I did notice is that if the duel is a draw by a double KO (Me and my friend messing around KOed eachother at the same time with shurikens) It randomly gave one of us the victory for that round when it should've been a draw.
Re: Balancing
PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 3:48 pm
by KindredPhantom
No, but what I did notice is that if the duel is a draw by a double KO (Me and my friend messing around KOed eachother at the same time with shurikens) It randomly gave one of us the victory for that round when it should've been a draw.
That's a bug and we are aware of it.