this game did nothing for me. but then, I'm no GTA fan either. random stuff happening because of no reason is only nice to see in a montage on youtube. If you build your whole game around it it's only good for dicking around which is exactly what I do in my spare time or have 5 GTA games for, don't need no MP game for that. No story, purpose and feedback, not to speak of technical problems and bad UI design makes this Hellgate with driving imo. I had a few fun moments in it but all in all it's just GTA multiplayer with permanent achievements and unlocks, more for the MMO crowd than somebody interested in a team/objective based gameplay with minimum skill (as opposed to being able to just buy the biggest gun) and then the pedestrian AI ..... omg
but give somebody the opportunity to play barbie with his avatar and it's suddenly an innovative and interesting game, not an assortement of random deatmatches which just happens to be on the same server/game world/block without having any connection whatsoever. there are no great city-wide multi-gang multi-objective multi-path heist missions, just "rob bank" and "stop robbers". there is no "M" in APB if you know what I mean (small riddle)