Everything is built, in the level, but not tested. The map compiles fine, but I can't run it.
I'm getting the following error (for the first time ever):
Host_Error: CVEngineServer::PrecacheModel: overflow, too many models
First it complained about wrench.mdl, next was sprite01.spr. I've removed models people probably won't see and cut the number of lighting sprites by 1/3, but it isn't helping.
The map now runs.
I removed several servers, a couple vents, some TVs, and all the wastebins.
The wastebins and TVs were loading multiple gib models each since they were flagged as destroyable when compiled. To get them back in, I could decompile the models, remove the lines saying "this prop can be destroyed" and recompile.
Actually, I'm using a quite few models that can be gibbed...