Evolving Blade Symphony aesthetics

Blade Symphony news posts by the Puny Human developers.

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Evolving Blade Symphony aesthetics

Postby urinal-cake » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:48 pm

In the last month, we’ve decided to make a more concentrated effort to release news and update the public as often as possible. One of the results was to start releasing a weekly or bi-weekly development journal, short video updates of recent progress. Another result is to return to releasing news updates, like this one, to our coveted community!
Image Image
First, we want to show how the sword tracers have progressed in the last few months. Tracers and particles are perfect examples of effects which will constantly evolve during development. We hope to have it perfected by release, based on feedback we hear from fans. Get active on our Facebook and tweet us your opinion!
Also continuously changing, the visual style of maps. The flagship and first map we showed, Monastery, recently got an updated floor for the library area. This could be seen in the second development journal, detailing costumes for the Judgement character.
You may notice during the video, that each player was able to do more than just block their opponent’s attacks. They were able to parry their attackers. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you can be the first to see this weekend’s development journal, where we talk about this new game mechanic!
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