Hello all,
I'm a french player, 31years old, having just bought HL2 only to run Dystopia !!!
That's makes years I have not played intensively to CS or HL mods, lakibg of time to stay in front on my PC.
I'm a RolePlayingGame master, supporting Shadowrun since the first edition more than 10 years ago, and this autumn 06, i will concretise a project I have in mind for years. Organising a LiveActionRolePlaying game in the Shadowrun world.
With 7 to 9 teams of 7 runners, meeting in a suburb old factory, each team will be transfered to outdoor sites for 3 missions during the weekend, I will rely on an already existing PC network and intranet PHP interface (developed for a StarWars LARP organised by my association few years ago) for chat services, online infos, bank accounting, etc... but I am still searching something to simulate a "good" matrix.
Cyberspace developped in the Dystopia project is FANTASTIC, congratulations to all Dystopia developpers.
My only dream now would be to integrate this cyberspace in my LARP project, but i'm not at all a mod mapper, and i'm completely unable to evaluate the complexity of "extracting" the cyberspace part of Dystopia, to propose to the deckers LARP players only this part of the game. Live assault being played in LARP.
Hoping this introduction shows you how much I'm EXCITED by the Dystopia demo compared to my always DREAMT Shadowrun Matrix.
And expecting than somebody would help me to make this dream come true !